Some Texts On Personal Construct Psychology


Bannister, D. and Fransella, F. Inquiring Man (3rd edition) e-book London: Taylor & Francis

Burr, V.and Butt, T. (1992) Invitation to Personal Construct Psychology, London: Whurr Publications (also in



Butler, R. (2009) On Reflection: Emphasising the Personal in Construct Theory.  Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Son.


Butt, T. (2008) George Kelly; the Psychology of Personal Constructs Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Caputi, P., Foster, H. & Viney, L.L.  (eds) (2006) Personal Construct Psychology: New Ideas. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.


Dalton, P. & Dunnett, G. 2005 (2nd edition) A Psychology for Living. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Son


Fransella, F. (1995) George Kelly London: Sage Publications (also in Chinese)

Fransella, F. (ed) (2003) International Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology Chichester, UK:  John Wiley & Sons


Fransella, F. (ed) (2005) The Essential Practitioner’s Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology. Chichester, UK:  John Wiley & Sons


Kelly, G. A (1955/1991) The Psychology of Personal Constructs, Volumes 1 & 2.  London: Routledge. First

             published by New York: Norton 

Walker, B. M., Costigan, J., Viney, L. L. & Warren, B. (1996) Personal Construct Theory: a Psychology for the Future. The Australian Psychological Society.

Repertory Grids


Fransella, F., Bell, R. C. & Bannister, D. (2004) A Manual for Repertory Grid Technique (2nd edition) Chichester,
 UK: John Wiley & Sons.


Jankowicz, D. (2004) The Easy Guide to Repertory Grids Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons.


Counselling, Psychotherapy and Clinical Practice


Blowers, G. and O'Connor, K. (1996)  Personal Construct Psychology in the Clinical Context. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press

Cummins, P. (2006) (ed) Working with Anger Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons

Fransella, F. & Dalton,  P. (2000) 2nd edition. Personal Construct Counselling in Action London: Sage Publications. Also in Italian published by Edizioni Erickson. 

Landfield, A. W.& Epting,F. R.1987 Personal Construct Psychology: Clinical and Personality Assessment.  New York: Human Sciences Press.

Leitner, L. M. & Thomas, J.C. (eds) (2009)  Personal Constructivism: Theory and Applications.  New York: Pace University Press.

Neimeyer, R. A. (Ed) (2001) Meaning Reconstruction & the Experience of Loss Washington DC: American Psychological Association


Neimeyer. R. A. (2002) Lessons of Loss: a Guide to Coping (2nd Edition) New York: Brunner Routledge


Neimeyer, R.A. (2009) Constructivist Psychotherapy. London: Routledge.


Neimeyer, R. A & Raskin J. (Eds) (2000) Constructions of Disorder: Meaning-Making Frameworks for Psychotherapy Washington, DC:  American Psychological Association

 Raskin, J. & Bridges S. (Eds) (2002) Studies in Meaning: Exploring Constructivist Psychology New York: Pace University Press.

 Raskin, J. and Bridges, S. (Eds) (2004) Studies in Meaning 2: Bridging the Personal and Social in Constructivist Psychology. New York: Pace University Press.

 Raskin, J. D. & Bridges, S. K.(eds)  (2008) Studies in Meaning 3. Constructivist Psychotherapy in the Real World. New York: Pace University Press.

 Raskin, J. D., Bridges, S. K. & Neimeyer, R.A. (eds)  (2010) Studies in Meaning 4. Constructivist Perspectives on Theory, Practice and Social Justice. New York: Pace University Press

 Viney, L. L., (1996) Personal Construct Therapy: a Handbook Norwood: Ablex Publishing Corporation


Winter, D. (1992) Personal Construct Psychology in Clinical Practice London: Routledge


Winter, D. & Viney, L. L. (eds) (2005) Personal Construct Psychotherapy: Advances in Theory, Practice and Research. London: Whurr Publishers


Working with Children


Burnham, S. (2008) Let’s Talk: Using Personal Construct Psychology to Support Children & Young People. London: Sage Publications


Butler, R. and Green, D. (2nd edition 2007) The Child Within: Taking the Young Person’ Perspective by Applying Personal Construct Psychology Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann


Tom Ravenette, (1999) Personal Construct Theory in Educational Psychology: a Practitioner's View London: Whurr Publications


Culture and Society


Horley, J. (ed) 2003) Personal Construct Perspectives on Forensic Psychology London: Brunner-Routledge


Kalekin-Fishman, D. and Walker, B. (1996) The Construction of Group Realities: Culture, Society and Personal Construct Theory Malabar: Krieger

 Scheer, J. W. & Sewell, K. W. (eds) (2006) Creative Construing: Personal Constructions in the Arts  Giessen: Psychosocial-Verlag

The Family

Dallos, R. (1994) Family Belief Systems, Therapy and Change. Milton Keynes: Open University Press



Jonathan Raskin reports (2009) that The Journal of Constructivist Psychology, published quarterly, “now has an online submission portal. For details, see this page: It is also available from the publisher Taylor & Francis e-mail

There is also an internet journal devoted to the psychology of personal constructs.  That journal is called "Personal Construct Theory & Practice" and subscription to it is free.  For details of how to subscribe, please click here.


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