Courses  and Workshops in
Personal Construct Psychology and its Methods of Inquiry and Change

The Centre offers Distance Learning Courses in personal construct psychology and its methods of inquiry and change. These are designed for anyone who wants to understand both personal construct theory and its methods – particularly repertory grids, which are PCP’s best known method of inquiry.

The following courses are currently available:

A six-part distance learning course covering personal construct theory and some of its methods of inquiry and change, including three forms of repertory grid and the self-characterisation.

There is also a specialised version of this course for those who want to carry out research, organisational surveys or other project work within a personal construct framework.

Other courses focusing on specific aspects of PCP theory and methods are in the process of development.

A special feature of all the Centre's courses is that the tutors provide 1 to 1 personal feedback on the course work submitted by each student.

Full details of the Centre’s distance learning courses can be found on the University of Hertfordshire's website by clicking here.

The Centre also runs face to face workshops on PCP and its applications. Further details of these can be found by clicking here.

In addition, the Centre can provide 1:1 tutorials in personal construct psychology and its methodologies for researchers and others who are interested in using personal construct psychology in their work.

To contact the Centre for Personal Construct Psychology about courses, workshops and PCP tutorials please email Nick Reed, the Director of the Centre.

Comments from two students who have taken the distance learning course:

Willfred Greyling, (Professor of Applied Linguistics at the time) says:

"...... he will apply these methods in conversation and discourse analysis, teacher training, mentoring and a multitude of contexts.  He is convinced that PCP and its methods have an infinite range of convenience, including how to make sense of Terry Practchett's Disc World novels!"

Dr Susan Cook, made
this assessment on completion of the Centre’s Distance Learning Course:

"This whole area of PCP ..... contributes greatly to the directions of my research, aids the exploration of specific population concerns with my research topics, and suggests fruitful outcomes for individual student goals."

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