Nick Reed, Director of the Centre

Nick's first career was as a lawyer. He studied law at the London School of Economics and holds both a Bachelor's degree and a Master's degree in law. He qualified as a Solicitor in 1980. After a number of years in private practice with a law firm, Nick moved into industry to practice law and later went into management, eventually becoming managing director of a firm specialising in delivering company secretarial services to firms of lawyers and accountants.

Looking for a career change, Nick became interested in the area of organisational development and studied for a post-graduate Diploma in Management at Birkbeck College, University of London. He also decided to look for psychological approaches that could be applied to organisations. Having explored a range of approaches, Nick was struck by the fact that there were very few large psychological theories, but a great many small theories looking at particular aspects of human activity. When he discovered personal construct psychology he was delighted to find a psychology which not only had a comprehensive, integrated theory but was also idiographic and so did not 'impose' pre-packaged 'answers' to the problems that organisations have. Instead, he found that PCP concentrated on identifying and understanding the construing of organisations and then on helping them to change their construing, using 'tailor-made' interventions. Very much a 'case by case' approach and very consistent with the way that lawyers think about things.

In his Foundation Course in PCP, Nick was introduced to repertory grids by Fay Fransella. Nick asked her "Can you use these grid things with groups of people in organisations to find out what they are thinking?" Fay said you could and that the Centre had used a special form of repertory grid called a 'group grid' in a great many companies to find out what their staff thought about their company, their jobs and many other issues. That method of using grids is called the "Diagnostic Research Method". Keen to pursue this, Nick asked Fay when the next course on group grids was going to be run. Fay said there hadn't been a course for some years and there were no current plans to run one, but she would see what she could do. So it was that in Bristol in 1996 a grid course was run that included studying the design, administration, analysis and interpretation of group grids.

After the Bristol course, Fay asked Nick if he would like to become involved with the Centre. He said "Yes, please" and he was very privileged to be taken on as a personal student of Fay. Nick gained his Diploma in PCP in 2000, writing his dissertation on PCP and knowledge management in organisations. He became Director of the Centre in 2005 when it became part of the School of Psychology at the University of Hertfordshire.

To contact him please e-mail Nick Reed

Nick Reed

"One of the unique features of a theory is to enable man to reach beyond what he already knows" (Kelly 1969. "The role of Classification in Personality Theory".   In B. Maher(ed)  Clinical Psychology and Personality:  The Selected Papers of George Kelly, Wiley. p. 295)
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