Links to Personal Construct Psychology                  Sites

The PCP Mailing List is managed by Brian Gaines and Devi Jankowicz and is open to all those with an interest in PCP.  It offers both a forum for the discussion of Personal Construct Psychology, in terms of the theoretical and methodological concerns of this discipline, and an analysis of the relationship between this discipline and other perspectives within the social sciences.  The list archives for the last decade are a publicly searchable resource.

The PCP Gateway is the major website for information on PCP, created and maintained by Joern Scheer.  He calls it the 'PCP Gateway' because it opens the gates not only to his own sites, such as the 'Information Portal', the 'Encyclopaedia' and the 'Toolkit', but also to the special interest groups for therapy, arts, politics and philosophy.  Of particular importance is that it includes the internet journal Personal Construct Theory and Practice and there is a NewsBlog that provides the most up-to-date information on what is going on in PCP worldwide.

The Personal Construct Psychology Association offers a wide range of courses from introductory level to diplomas, as well as workshops in the United Kingdom.  It is administered by Peggy Dalton.

The Australasian Personal Construct Group supports those involved in PCP studies in Australia and New Zealand.  It issues a free newsletter which is available upon request.  It also organises a biennial conference.

The Constructivist Psychology Network (CPN) was first formed in 1984 as the North American Personal Construct Network (NAPCN) to provide a forum for those interested in PCP, particularly for those who live in North America.  It changed its name in 2004 because of the widening interest in the philosophy of constructivism associated with Kelly's notion of constructive alternativism.  CPN holds biennial conferences in North America.

The PCP References Database at the University of Wollongon, Australia, is a well-maintained list of personal construct references.  It can be searched both by Keyword and by Author.  Authors can add references to the database if their work is not already listed.

Some sites which provide Repertory Grid elicitation and analysis tools

GridSuite is a repertory grid elicitation and analysis package under OS X and Windows XP.  It has been developed by Professor Martin Fromm of the University of Stuttgart, Germany.  It stresses the active role of the user as interpreter of the data, his or her questions and the alternative ways of making sense of the data.  For that GridSuite provides several tools.  It also provides tables of statistics, as other programs do, but these are used more in the background to serve as an aid for the interpretations of the user.

Idiogrid is a free package which runs under MS Windows.  It can perform  a particularly wide range of statistical analyses of repertory grid data.  It was developed by James Grice of the Oklahoma State University, USA.

WebGrid is a free on-line service for the elicitation and analysis of repertory grid data over the Internet.  It provides conversational grid elicitation, principal component plots ("maps"), 'Focus' cluster analysis plots and grid comparisons. It was developed by Mildred Shaw and Brian Gaines at the University of Calgary, Canada.

Rep IV is a repertory grid elicitation and analysis package under OS X and Windows XP, developed by Mildred Shaw and Brian Gaines.  It provides user-scriptable interactive elicitation and a wide range of graphic analysis tools for single and multiple grid data.  It supports Unicode, so that scripts and grids may be in non-Roman languages and includes a local WebGrid server allowing a web browser to be used for elicitation and analysis.  A free ("personal") version is available for students and schools. That version supports grids with up to 15 elements and constructs and is able to perform basic analyses.

GRIDSCAL and GRIDSTAT are computer programs for repertory grid analysis developed by Richard Bell at the University of Melbourne, Australia.

Enquire Within is general and business software developed by John Mayes for creating "cognitive maps" founded on the "repertory grid interview". This site describes repertory grid applications in many different areas.